
Pre-made and low cost. Readily available without licensing.

Business Tools

Pueo’s commitment to delivering immediate client value relies upon supporting technologies that are client-ready and easily customizable. Typically built upon available MS Office platforms (with deliberately excluded macro code which may complicate domain transfers), Pueo technologies allow us to rapidly deploy preliminary solutions to demonstrate immediate value and focus attention on supporting data, processes, and knowledge for enduring capabilities.

Pueo’s portfolio of business tools allow us to deploy differentiating, value-added services from day one. Our consultants can quickly modify, enhance, tailor, or integrate these modular solutions for remarkably robust and powerful systems. While these solutions may not be the most efficient for long-term support. deploying these light-weight applications drive immediate value while affording our customers the time to institutionalize supporting processes and refine requirements before investing in costly advanced technologies.

While the following solutions represent only a sampling of Pueo’s technology portfolio. They also include free and downloadable (no strings attached) tools for your use. Please feel free to replicate and modify (extract logos as you see fit) for your purposes. Our consultants are standing by should you require set-up assistance.

Apply career experiences against anticipated or known interview questions, to convey the breadth and complexity of your work history, without overusing a single experience.

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Inform management decisions in anticipation of future events, based upon historical precedence. Defend budget/resource estimates. Automate narrative production for exhibit attachment with consistency and accuracy.

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Job Experience Optimizer

Apply career experiences against anticipated or known interview questions, to convey the breadth and complexity of your work history, without overusing a single experience.

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Forcasting Model

Inform management decisions in anticipation of future events, based upon historical precedence. Defend budget/resource estimates. Automate narrative production for exhibit attachment with consistency and accuracy.

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Document decision parameters and defensibility in perpetuity. Evaluate alternatives objectively against specified criteria.

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Achieve an objective and more corporate weighting schema to feed decision models.

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Decision Model

Document decision parameters and defensibility in perpetuity. Evaluate alternatives objectively against specified criteria.

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Pair-Wise Comparison Tool

Achieve an objective and more corporate weighting schema to feed decision models.

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Advanced Pueo Business Tools

Our portfolio includes advanced tools that boast the same pre-made, readily available, and easily customizable credentials to meet your business goals quickly and efficiently.  Contact us to request a demonstration or to get started.

Data Analytics Model

Do any data patterns, trends, or relationships exist across the portolio of available data? Can we predict anything as a result?

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9-box Workforce Performance vs. Potential Management Model

Where do our employees score against both Performance and Potential dimensions? How do we best develop employees?

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Procurement and Acquisition Model

What acquisition paths exist to achieve my requirement? What is the best collection of paths to achieve my requirement portfolio?

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Lease vs Buy Model

What is the business value of leasing or buying a product or service from a cost and performance perspective? When do I break even?

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Risk Management / Optimization Model

What is our current or future risk profile? How can we best apply resources to mitigate or exploit risks according to our risk tolerance?

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Prioritization Model

What is the relative importance of each item based upon common criteria, weight, and subject scores? What can we afford?

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Knowledge Management Model

What knowledge exists within common areas of concern (functions, missions, customers, etc.)? How can I store my data for retrieval?

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Succession Planning Model

Mindful of Mission, Individual Growth, Availability and more, who should take over this vacant position and what is the domino effect?

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Text Analysis Model

What is important to our most/least satisfied customers, employees, or overseers according to survey comments?

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Performance Dashboard

What is our performance level against organizational objectives? Where do we require leadership attention and action?

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Labor Mix / Placement Optimization Model

How can we organize our workforce (civilian, military, contractor) to execute mission functions for the strongest RoI?

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Algorithmic Process Re-Engineering

How can we best apply our limited resources to overcome process bottlenecks and exploit process slack?

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Contact us to learn more about our advanced business tools.

813-712-8722 Ext: 168722 |